1 The Concept of Bildung

‘Bildung is what remains after one has forgotten everything one learned at school.’

‘Bildung is the combination of the education and knowledge necessary to thrive in your society, and the moral and emotional maturity to both be a team player and have personal autonomy. Bildung is also knowing your roots and being able to imagine the future.’ (European Bildung Network)

In Module 1 of our Erasmus project Transdigital Education we looked at the concept of ‘bildung’. What does it mean for students, teachers and parents? How has the idea of bildung changed over time? How may we inspire educational change? How may digital learning serve to foster ‘bildung‘? 

Project Activities I Projektarbeit


Lehrerfortbildung zu ganzheitlichem und selbstständigen Lernen I Teacher Training about Holistic and Autonomous Learning






Programm der Lehrerfortbildung 2021 in Barcelona I Teacher Workshop 2021 – Schedule





Logo-Wettbewerb I Project Logo Competition






Huckleberry Finn – a bildungsroman






Mindmaps: Was ist Bildung? I What is bildung?






Ankündigung Logo-Wettbewerb I Coming soon: Logo Competition






Schüleraktion: Was und wie wollen wir in Zukunft lernen? I What is ‘bildung’?






Zeitungsartikel 8.12.20 (WAZ/NRZ) I 

German Newspaper Article





Zeitungsartikel zum Projektstart (Südanzeiger, Nov. 20)

German Newspaper Article about the Start of Our Erasmus Project



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