Module 2 was about Environmental Awareness and Engagement. It was based on a holistic understanding of the environment, which includes scientific study, practical and creative work beyond the confines of the classroom and aesthetic appreciation. The goal of this module was for students to develop a sense of what it means to be an active and responsible citizen who cares deeply for the environment and is ready to make a difference.
Erasmus 2021 in unser Schulzeitung “Der Turm”
Our Erasmus Week in Denmark I Rückblick auf die Erasmus-Umweltwoche in Dänemark
Transclassical Art I Transklassische Kunst zum Thema Natur oder Natur und Technik
Beiträge zum Umwelt-Fotowettbewerb I Contributions to our Photo Competition
Ablauf der Umweltprojektwoche in Dänemark I
Artikel über Lehrerfortbildung I Newspaper Article about Teacher Training
Lehrerfortbildung in Essen I Teacher Training for Teachers in the Natural Sciences
Konferenz der Tiere in Klasse 8 I Animal Conference in Year 8:
Artikel über Erasmus-Umweltprojekt I
German Newspaper Article, 19.6.21
Fotowettbewerb Natur und Umwelt I Our photo competition
Workshop mit einer Meeresbiologin I Workshop with a marine biologist
Start unseres Umweltmoduls I Start of Module 2
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