Our Erasmus Module 4:
‘Character-Building and Personal Mastery’.
Our project week in Lithuania:
Sun, 29.5.2022 – Fri, 3.6.2022
In Lithuania, students from Germany, Denmark, Spain, Poland and Lithuania worked together in international groups and produced podcasts on Identity, Personal Development and the Internet in the 21st Century. You may listen to their ideas here:
3. Between authenticity and fake – What is the current role of self-fashioning?
4. Between integrity and fake – What is the current role of influencers online?
6. Dopamine and depression – What are the psychological effects of social media use on individuals?
Our Erasmus week in Lithuania in May/June 2022
Schedule of the Project Week in Lithuania 2022
Preparatory Task 2: A Survey about Role Models and Icons and Families and Friends
Preparatory Task 1: Self-Representation and Self-Staging