Citation Guide

The CHICAGO MANUAL offers an international citation guide. Detailed instructions are provided by the Purdue Univeristy: Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab). Choose the Chicago Manual and learn how to use footnotes (N) and how to compile a bibliography (B).

How to quote books…

Footnote (N):

Firstname Lastname, Title of Book (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.

Corresponding bibliographical entry (B):

Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.


Do you need more info on how to quote books by one author, books by multiple authors, books with editor and author or anonymous books? Would you like to refer to a specific chapter, an introduction, preface or afterword?

→ Purdue OWL: Books 

How to quote articles in periodicals…

Do you want to quote from periodicals (including printed journals, electronic journals, magazines, and newspapers)?

→ Purdue OWL: Periodicals 

How to quote web sources…

Have you found a reliable source on the Internet (including websites, blogs, social media or podcasts)?
Please don’t forget to give the retrieval date in square brackets, because websources may change any time!
Keep in mind that Wikipedia is a wiki, not a source to be cited in academic contexts!
How to quote multimedia…
Would you like to cite film, television, and other audiovisual materials?
How to quote interviews and personal communication…
Do you need to cite oral sources in your essay?