7 Deep Reading in the Digital Age

Deep Reading encourages close, analytical reading and considers multiple perspectives and cultural diversity. Deep or Slow Reading is an approach most students do not actively use outside the classroom, as the Internet and social media rather encourage speed reading, skimming and scanning. Deep Reading therefore stands in contrast to today’s media-driven information flood which emphasizes speed, simplicity and immediacy.

In Module 7 of our Erasmus Plus project ‘Transdigital Education’, students studied and discussed several bildungsromans and coming-of-age novels and reflected on their reading strategies and the difficulties they might have to overcome in order to develop effective reading habits. In order to plunge even deeper into the novels, the students then produced their own creative adaptations.

The results were Twitter Novels based on  “Benedict’s Thresholds” by S. Sintiya (Lithuania) und “Springtime / Przedwiośnie” by S. Żeromski (Poland) as well as Fan Fiction referring to “Looking for Alaska” by John Green (Spain) and “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chbosky (Denmark). The German groups worked on Theatrical Adaptations of Robert Seethaler’s “The Tobacconist / Der Trafikant”.

During the project week in Essen students presented their creative work to each other and used it to put an entirely new Play on stage. Find out more below about our students’ Deep Reading in Digital Times.

Project Week in Essen:

18th – 21st April 2023



Projektwoche in Essen – Rückblick Schülerzeitung






Book Challenge – Rückblick Schülerzeitung






Erasmus Book Challenge






Play by our Erasmus Students






Our Erasmus Project Magazine (PDF)






Besuch des Jungen Literaturhaus Köln






The Tobacconist (Play by the German Group) 






Huckleberry Finn (Videos by the German Group)






Erasmus in Essen – Project Schedule (PDF)






Informationen für Erasmus-Gastfamilien






Erasmus Planning – Vorbereitung der Projektwoche 






Erasmus Info Session