
Für unser Erasmusprojekt  in Litauen vom 29. Mai. bis 3. Juni 2022 gibt es noch Plätze. Bewerben können sich Schülerinnen und Schüler der Jgst. 10 bis Freitag, 6. Mai 2022. Thema der Projektarbeit: Personal Development. Wir schauen uns an, welchen Einfluss soziale Medien auf die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung haben. Dazu arbeitet Ihr in international gemischten Gruppen mit Schülerinnen und Schülern aus dem Gastgeberland Litauen, aus Polen, Dänemark und Spanien.

Mögliche Themen der Projektwoche:

1. Identity and our digital footprint – What is the relationship between our personality and what we do on the internet?

2. Digital portraits and media avatars – How are media personalities constructed across multiple media outlets?

3. Between authenticity and fake – What is the current role of self-fashioning?

4. Between integrity and fake – What is the current role of influencers online?

5. Social or anti-social – How does the internet influence group communication and interaction online and offline?

6. Dopamine and depression – What are the psychological effects of social media use on individuals?

Wie bewirbt man sich?

Ihr erstellt eine Arbeit zum Thema “Self-Fashioning”, z. B. eine PPT, ein Essay, eine kommentierte Collage. Dabei vergleicht ihr in englischer Sprache, wie Menschen sich früher in Szene gesetzt haben, am Beispiel eines Künstlers, Bildhauers oder Fotografen, und welche Formen der digitalen Selbstinszenierung heute gewählt werden.

Students look into the history of self-fashioning by combining art and social media.

  • How were paintings, photographs, sculptures or other artistic representations of a person designed in different periods of art?
  • How are they similar/different to portraits and self-portraits on social media platforms?
  • How important is a user’s social media personality and to what extent can it be inferred from visual attributes in their feed?
  • How do selfies and social media portraits influence self-expression and identity construction? To what extent do they change our self-perception?

These are some of the questions you will need to consider when analysing art work and evaluating your own self-representation and/or the self-fashioning of your idols. Feel free to choose a creative way to present your findings, for example in form of a COLLAGE.

1. It might help to narrow down your topic, for example to
– Beauty
– Fashion
– Old Age
– Youth
– Maculinity
– Femininity
– Sportiness
– Humour
– Intellect
– Love of…

2. When comparing social media to artwork, choose an in-depth approach. To learn about ONE particular artist and ONE blogger or influencer may be more interesting than a gallery of different creators, styles and periods.

3. It might help others to understand your chosen visual representations if you explain your choice.

4. Give your sources and don’t plagiarize.

Ansprechpartnerin: Frau Heup