Portuguese and French students in Essen in March 2016


The week before the Easter holidays was again a time for international dialogue at Goetheschule Essen. From Wednesday, 9th March, to Wednesday, 16th March 2016, exchange students from our partner school Carolina Michaelis in Porto stayed with their German hosts.

Porto Exchange 2016 Group 01 b2

On Thursday they got to know the school, explored the city centre and enjoyed cheese and cake, which our partner students from the Collége de La Source in Mouthe had brought for a French-German-Portuguese afternoon with Ms Lacroix’s Year 9.


On Friday the Portuguese guests visited Villa Hügel, the Krupp Mansion, and discovered on Monday the world of physical phenomena and the human senses in Essen’s interactive museum Phänomenia with Ms Heup. On Tue they went on a day-trip to Cologne with Mr Franke, where they got a taste of Germany in the chocolate museum. 🙂



Final English lessons took place on Wednesday and then it was  time to say goodbye to 14 students and their teachers Teresa Guedes and Jacinta Oliveira. Thanks for a great exchange; we hope to see you all again soon!


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