Facharbeit & Extended Essay


A first seminar paper in preparation for future studies
The Diploma Programme is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for students in the 16 to 19 age range. The extended essay offers the opportunity for IB students to investigate a topic of special interest, in the form of a 4,000-word piece of independent research. Students select an area of research from Diploma Programme subjects and become acquainted with the independent research and writing skills expected at university. It is intended to promote high-level research and writing skills, intellectual discovery and creativity.

The IB Diploma Programme is designed to prepare students in grades 12 and 13 for university study. The Extended Essay provides an opportunity for students to explore a topic of their choice in depth. The goal is for students to learn how to independently research a topic, develop their own research question, and professionally organize and write up their thoughts.

1 Support


Academic Integrity

Initial Guidance on Research and Writing

The Research Question

Sample Research Questions

2 Extended Essay Requirements 

Here you will find all the important information regarding the choice of topic, preparation as well as grading of the Extended Essay.

School Guide: Extended Essay und Facharbeit im IB Diploma Programme.

Extended Essay Requirements (IBO Website)

Group 1: Literature A SL/HL (Deutsch oder Englisch als Muttersprache)

Group 2: English or French B SL/HL (Fremdsprache)

Group 3: History SL/HL, Geschichte SL/HL

Group 3: Geography SL/HL

Group 4: Biology SL, Biologie SL

Group 4: Chemistry SL/HL

Group 4: Physics SL/HL

Group 5: Maths SL or Maths HL

3 Topic Submission 

The topic of the essay must be agreed upon with the subject teacher and submitted to the Extended Essay Coordinator 10 days before the beginning of the Christmas break.

Extended Essay Form (to be signed by subject teacher and student)

4 Planning and Progress Report 

IB students create their work process report in the language of their Extended Essay using this form: Planning and Progress Form 

5 Extended Essay Elements 

1. Title page I Titelseite
2. Contents page I Inhaltsverzeichnis
3. Introduction I Einleitung
4. Body I Hauptteil
5. Conclusion I Schluss
6. Bibliography I Literaturverzeichnis

6 How to quote correctly?

Zitieranleitung in deutscher Sprache

English Citation Guide

7 Assessment 

Extended Essay Assessment Criteria 


Karmen Heup (Extended Essay Coordinator). Email: karmen.heup@goetheschule-essen.de